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Covering American politics as a journalist emerged out of my respect and understanding of, and passion for, history, combined with the old troupe of journalism being the first draft of history. Despite attaching this logic to my deep focus on the state of the nation, it has yet to materialize into a regular political reporting beat. This disadvantage has not completely limited me from pursuing political reporting, therefore bringing me in close interviewing proximity with California politicians like Gov. Gavin Newsom and then-Sen. Kamala Harris. To this day, I follow America's political landscape from Donald Trump's 2016 victory to the 2021 California Recall Election to the 2024 New Hampshire primary, the marathon has no end in sight and it is a rollercoaster I will keep returning to.


The district numbers, incumbents and demographics have changed, yet the drive to pursue political reporting has not slowed down. There's much to be said about what happened on the street and behind the scenes, but my work on this subject continues to grow as the country's future stays uncertain.


October 21, 2021

In a statement issued by her campaign, 25th Congressional District candidate Rhoda Nazanin announced on Wednesday she is no longer running in the 2022 election.

September 14, 2021

Tuesday marks the arrival of the 2021 California Gubernatorial Recall Election, the last day for Californians to vote on whether Gov. Gavin Newsom will complete his first term in charge of the state or have the remainder served by one of the candidates looking to unseat him.

August 19, 2021

Following a litany of tweets questioning local and federal health officials on guidelines and requirements, Rep. Mike Garcia (R-Santa Clarita) voiced his opposition to mandatory COVID-19 vaccines for students in the 25th Congressional District in a Thursday tweet.


August 12, 2021

All California voters this week will begin to receive their sample ballots for the upcoming gubernatorial recall election on Sept. 14, with official ballots to be mailed out to every voter beginning Aug. 16.

July 14, 2021

The Santa Clarita City Council was met with condemnation and fury – the former over the appearance of a “triple-threat” flag during a Fourth of July car parade held by the Santa Clarita Valley GOP, the latter over the city’s Human Relations Roundtable – during the public comments of Tuesday’s meeting.

August 29, 2019

After receiving criticism over a proposed ethnic studies model curriculum – including opposition from the city of Beverly Hills and the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust – California Assemblyman Jose Medina (D-Riverside) tabled an ethnic studies bill he authored until 2020.


August 22, 2019

The Beverly Hills City Council unanimously approved a resolution on Tuesday, Aug. 20, to condemn the California Department of Education’s ethnic studies model curriculum over alleged antisemitism in the curriculum’s initial draft.

August 21, 2019

The Beverly Hills City Council awarded contracts totaling a minimum of $2 million on Aug. 20 to restore Greystone Mansion’s theater.

August 1, 2019

As news of two proposed bills from the California State Senate makes its way across the state, homeowners are hoping to educate their neighbors and make their feelings known.


July 25, 2019

With legislation on state housing tabled until next year and a recent report from Sacramento suggesting home sales are on a downward trend, the city of Beverly Hills plans to move forward to develop affordable housing and work with nonprofits to make it happen.

July 20, 2019

The latest meeting of the Santa Clarita Republican Women Federated featured the four Republican candidates running for the 25th Congressional District seat in the 2020 election, at The Oaks Club in Valencia on Saturday.

June 15, 2019

Voters from Santa Clarita and across Los Angeles County appeared at the Newhall Library on Saturday to learn more about the updated countywide voting system set to be implemented for the 2020 Election.


May 13, 2019

Constituents from across the 38th Assembly District sat together around Assemblywoman Christy Smith, D-Santa Clarita, during her “Coffee Talks with Christy” at It’s a Grind Coffee House in Castaic on Saturday.

April 15, 2019

Families from across the Santa Clarita Valley met with their elected officials and religious representatives for a meet-and-greet dinner at the Santa Clarita Sports Complex on Sunday.

January 6, 2019

With the 2020 election not far off, Santa Clarita voters shared their thoughts on where vote centers should reside during a meeting held by Black Women for Wellness at the Newhall Community Center on Sunday.


January 6, 2019

In her first town hall of 2019, Rep. Katie Hill took questions from constituents about the government shutdown in Palmdale on Sunday.

January 5, 2019

Though the 2020 election is nearly two years away, Santa Clarita and Los Angeles County residents will have the chance to provide input for the new vote centers at a meeting to be hosted Sunday at the Newhall Community Center by Black Women for Wellness.

December 23, 2018

State Sen. Scott Wilk is set to become the vice chair of four different senate committees during the 2019-20 legislative session, according to an announcement made by president pro tempore Sen. Toni Atkins on Friday.


November 3, 2018

Just days away from the 2018 midterm elections, Republican gubernatorial candidate John Cox came to support Rep. Steve Knight and Assemblyman Dante Acosta outside the Santa Clarita Valley Republican Headquarters on Saturday.

November 3, 2018

California gubernatorial candidate Gavin Newsom and U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris came to the Santa Clarita Valley to campaign for congressional candidate Katie Hill and Assembly candidate Christy Smith at the Newhall Family Theatre on Saturday.

October 24, 2018

With impairments and physical limitations, seniors can find their days of driving independently to be limited. To prevent that, state Sen. Scott Wilk and the California Highway Patrol will present a driving safety class for seniors at the SCV Senior Center on Oct. 25.


October 5, 2018

Volunteers and supporters of congressional candidate Katie Hill welcomed former Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords during a pre-canvassing rally at Hill’s headquarters in Stevenson Ranch on Sunday.

September 29, 2018

If you ask Santa Clarita Valley residents their thoughts on the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing featuring the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, you’ll get a diverse array of opinions — but no last names, and no pictures.

July 19, 2018

State legislators are hoping California voters won’t have to worry about “fake news” or other attempts to troll online ahead of November’s election.


July 19, 2018

County supervisors Tuesday approved putting a measure on the November ballot that would increase property taxes to pay for stormwater-runoff and water-pollution measures on residential and commercial properties.

July 18, 2018

The Castaic Area Town Council welcomed a familiar face back to its board Wednesday, officials said.

July 16, 2018

Beginning Monday, candidates running for the Santa Clarita City Council can now file their paperwork to be eligible contenders on November’s ballot.


July 16, 2018

The city of Santa Clarita issued a notice of violation Monday to the owners of Canyon View Mobile Estates for installing solar panels without the required permits and failure to comply with conditions of approval, according to a news release.

July 14, 2018

Los Angeles County voters will have a say in where their voices are heard at the polls when the 2020 election rolls around, county officials said Friday.

July 13, 2018

Congressman Steve Knight joined the National Defense Authorization Act Defense Committee’s “Pass the Gavel” discussion Wednesday.


July 12, 2018

Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a bill by Assemblyman Tom Lackey allowing retired law enforcement officials to openly carry firearms.

July 12, 2018

As they now look for the community’s input from residents, the Santa Clarita City Council released a draft Thursday of the Community Plan to Address Homelessness to unite housing nonprofit groups to fully tackle the growing problem of homelessness.

July 11, 2018

Mayor Pro Tem Marsha McLean and Councilman Cameron Smyth will be part of Los Angeles County’s delegation at the League of California Cities conference in September.


July 11, 2018

The Santa Clarita City Council has endorsed a bill authored by state Sen. Scott Wilk calling for a strategic statewide plan to address homelessness in California.

July 10, 2018

Santa Clarita City Council members received a report Tuesday night and, if opportunity presents itself, will look into a possible partnership for a new amphitheater venue.

July 9, 2018

With the annexation of Plum Canyon winding its way through the approval process, the City Council plans Tuesday night to adopt a joint resolution for the exchange of property tax revenue with Los Angeles County.


July 6, 2018

Santa Clarita’s Speed Hump/Cushion Program might receive its first big update since it was adopted by the city in July 2010, according to City Traffic Engineer Gus Pivetti.

July 6, 2018

The City Council is scheduled Tuesday to authorize an environmental study on the proposed Sand Canyon Resort development, which would transform a portion of the Sand Canyon Country Club into a 217-room, 27-villa hotel resort.

June 30, 2018

Hundreds of Santa Clarita Valley residents, activists, immigrants and politicians Saturday marched to City Hall, protesting the White House’s use of a “zero tolerance” policy that separated undocumented immigrant children from their parents at the border.


June 17, 2018

In an effort to combat the opioid crisis, the United States Department of Agriculture launched an interactive map to help engage with people across the country on how to help prevent, treat and recover from opioid use, according to a news release.

May 26, 2018

Opening in Old Town Newhall, the Democratic Headquarters welcomed supporters and candidates from across the district and across the state Saturday afternoon.

May 10, 2017

Coming from a police family, Tito Gonzalez enthusiastically voted for Donald Trump, with some reservations.


December 8, 2016

Donald Trump has made his final preparations to his cabinet, causing concerns among the American people, according to ABC News.

December 5, 2016

Donald Trump’s election victory has prompted some students to deny the results, but this has pushed others to call out their peers for their course of action.

December 4, 2016

The current route for the pipeline near the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation has been denied construction by the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Obama Administration.


November 10, 2016

“The Young Turks” (TYT) on Fusion held a live showing of the web series at the Little Theatre in Nordhoff Hall Wednesday night to discuss the results of the 2016 presidential election.

November 9, 2016

Prior to Election Day’s surprising results, CSUN students found confidence in making it to the polls to vote for their preferred candidate.

November 8, 2016

The CSUN Young Democrats and the Political Science Students Association [PSSA] hosted a viewing party for its members and CSUN students on the night of the 2016 Presidential Election, in the Santa Susana Room in the University Student Union.



January 21, 2015

President Barack Obama used the 2015 State of the Union address to acknowledge the nation’s ongoing economic improvements in the years following the 2008 recession, which defined the start to his presidency.


The district numbers, incumbents and demographics have changed, yet the drive to pursue political reporting has not slowed down. There's much to be said about what happened on the street and behind the scenes, but my work on this subject continues to grow as the country's future stays uncertain.


October 21, 2021

In a statement issued by her campaign, 25th Congressional District candidate Rhoda Nazanin announced on Wednesday she is no longer running in the 2022 election.

September 14, 2021

Tuesday marks the arrival of the 2021 California Gubernatorial Recall Election, the last day for Californians to vote on whether Gov. Gavin Newsom will complete his first term in charge of the state or have the remainder served by one of the candidates looking to unseat him.

August 19, 2021

Following a litany of tweets questioning local and federal health officials on guidelines and requirements, Rep. Mike Garcia (R-Santa Clarita) voiced his opposition to mandatory COVID-19 vaccines for students in the 25th Congressional District in a Thursday tweet.


August 12, 2021

All California voters this week will begin to receive their sample ballots for the upcoming gubernatorial recall election on Sept. 14, with official ballots to be mailed out to every voter beginning Aug. 16.

July 14, 2021

The Santa Clarita City Council was met with condemnation and fury – the former over the appearance of a “triple-threat” flag during a Fourth of July car parade held by the Santa Clarita Valley GOP, the latter over the city’s Human Relations Roundtable – during the public comments of Tuesday’s meeting.

August 29, 2019

After receiving criticism over a proposed ethnic studies model curriculum – including opposition from the city of Beverly Hills and the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust – California Assemblyman Jose Medina (D-Riverside) tabled an ethnic studies bill he authored until 2020.


August 22, 2019

The Beverly Hills City Council unanimously approved a resolution on Tuesday, Aug. 20, to condemn the California Department of Education’s ethnic studies model curriculum over alleged antisemitism in the curriculum’s initial draft.

August 21, 2019

The Beverly Hills City Council awarded contracts totaling a minimum of $2 million on Aug. 20 to restore Greystone Mansion’s theater.

August 1, 2019

As news of two proposed bills from the California State Senate makes its way across the state, homeowners are hoping to educate their neighbors and make their feelings known.


July 25, 2019

With legislation on state housing tabled until next year and a recent report from Sacramento suggesting home sales are on a downward trend, the city of Beverly Hills plans to move forward to develop affordable housing and work with nonprofits to make it happen.

July 20, 2019

The latest meeting of the Santa Clarita Republican Women Federated featured the four Republican candidates running for the 25th Congressional District seat in the 2020 election, at The Oaks Club in Valencia on Saturday.

June 15, 2019

Voters from Santa Clarita and across Los Angeles County appeared at the Newhall Library on Saturday to learn more about the updated countywide voting system set to be implemented for the 2020 Election.


May 13, 2019

Constituents from across the 38th Assembly District sat together around Assemblywoman Christy Smith, D-Santa Clarita, during her “Coffee Talks with Christy” at It’s a Grind Coffee House in Castaic on Saturday.

April 15, 2019

Families from across the Santa Clarita Valley met with their elected officials and religious representatives for a meet-and-greet dinner at the Santa Clarita Sports Complex on Sunday.

January 6, 2019

With the 2020 election not far off, Santa Clarita voters shared their thoughts on where vote centers should reside during a meeting held by Black Women for Wellness at the Newhall Community Center on Sunday.


January 6, 2019

In her first town hall of 2019, Rep. Katie Hill took questions from constituents about the government shutdown in Palmdale on Sunday.

January 5, 2019

Though the 2020 election is nearly two years away, Santa Clarita and Los Angeles County residents will have the chance to provide input for the new vote centers at a meeting to be hosted Sunday at the Newhall Community Center by Black Women for Wellness.

December 23, 2018

State Sen. Scott Wilk is set to become the vice chair of four different senate committees during the 2019-20 legislative session, according to an announcement made by president pro tempore Sen. Toni Atkins on Friday.


November 3, 2018

Just days away from the 2018 midterm elections, Republican gubernatorial candidate John Cox came to support Rep. Steve Knight and Assemblyman Dante Acosta outside the Santa Clarita Valley Republican Headquarters on Saturday.

November 3, 2018

California gubernatorial candidate Gavin Newsom and U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris came to the Santa Clarita Valley to campaign for congressional candidate Katie Hill and Assembly candidate Christy Smith at the Newhall Family Theatre on Saturday.

October 24, 2018

With impairments and physical limitations, seniors can find their days of driving independently to be limited. To prevent that, state Sen. Scott Wilk and the California Highway Patrol will present a driving safety class for seniors at the SCV Senior Center on Oct. 25.


October 5, 2018

Volunteers and supporters of congressional candidate Katie Hill welcomed former Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords during a pre-canvassing rally at Hill’s headquarters in Stevenson Ranch on Sunday.

September 29, 2018

If you ask Santa Clarita Valley residents their thoughts on the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing featuring the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, you’ll get a diverse array of opinions — but no last names, and no pictures.

July 19, 2018

State legislators are hoping California voters won’t have to worry about “fake news” or other attempts to troll online ahead of November’s election.


July 19, 2018

County supervisors Tuesday approved putting a measure on the November ballot that would increase property taxes to pay for stormwater-runoff and water-pollution measures on residential and commercial properties.

July 18, 2018

The Castaic Area Town Council welcomed a familiar face back to its board Wednesday, officials said.

July 16, 2018

Beginning Monday, candidates running for the Santa Clarita City Council can now file their paperwork to be eligible contenders on November’s ballot.


July 16, 2018

The city of Santa Clarita issued a notice of violation Monday to the owners of Canyon View Mobile Estates for installing solar panels without the required permits and failure to comply with conditions of approval, according to a news release.

July 14, 2018

Los Angeles County voters will have a say in where their voices are heard at the polls when the 2020 election rolls around, county officials said Friday.

July 13, 2018

Congressman Steve Knight joined the National Defense Authorization Act Defense Committee’s “Pass the Gavel” discussion Wednesday.


July 12, 2018

Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a bill by Assemblyman Tom Lackey allowing retired law enforcement officials to openly carry firearms.

July 12, 2018

As they now look for the community’s input from residents, the Santa Clarita City Council released a draft Thursday of the Community Plan to Address Homelessness to unite housing nonprofit groups to fully tackle the growing problem of homelessness.

July 11, 2018

Mayor Pro Tem Marsha McLean and Councilman Cameron Smyth will be part of Los Angeles County’s delegation at the League of California Cities conference in September.


July 11, 2018

The Santa Clarita City Council has endorsed a bill authored by state Sen. Scott Wilk calling for a strategic statewide plan to address homelessness in California.

July 10, 2018

Santa Clarita City Council members received a report Tuesday night and, if opportunity presents itself, will look into a possible partnership for a new amphitheater venue.

July 9, 2018

With the annexation of Plum Canyon winding its way through the approval process, the City Council plans Tuesday night to adopt a joint resolution for the exchange of property tax revenue with Los Angeles County.


July 6, 2018

Santa Clarita’s Speed Hump/Cushion Program might receive its first big update since it was adopted by the city in July 2010, according to City Traffic Engineer Gus Pivetti.

July 6, 2018

The City Council is scheduled Tuesday to authorize an environmental study on the proposed Sand Canyon Resort development, which would transform a portion of the Sand Canyon Country Club into a 217-room, 27-villa hotel resort.

June 30, 2018

Hundreds of Santa Clarita Valley residents, activists, immigrants and politicians Saturday marched to City Hall, protesting the White House’s use of a “zero tolerance” policy that separated undocumented immigrant children from their parents at the border.


June 17, 2018

In an effort to combat the opioid crisis, the United States Department of Agriculture launched an interactive map to help engage with people across the country on how to help prevent, treat and recover from opioid use, according to a news release.

May 26, 2018

Opening in Old Town Newhall, the Democratic Headquarters welcomed supporters and candidates from across the district and across the state Saturday afternoon.

May 10, 2017

Coming from a police family, Tito Gonzalez enthusiastically voted for Donald Trump, with some reservations.


December 8, 2016

Donald Trump has made his final preparations to his cabinet, causing concerns among the American people, according to ABC News.

December 5, 2016

Donald Trump’s election victory has prompted some students to deny the results, but this has pushed others to call out their peers for their course of action.

December 4, 2016

The current route for the pipeline near the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation has been denied construction by the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Obama Administration.


November 10, 2016

“The Young Turks” (TYT) on Fusion held a live showing of the web series at the Little Theatre in Nordhoff Hall Wednesday night to discuss the results of the 2016 presidential election.

November 9, 2016

Prior to Election Day’s surprising results, CSUN students found confidence in making it to the polls to vote for their preferred candidate.

November 8, 2016

The CSUN Young Democrats and the Political Science Students Association [PSSA] hosted a viewing party for its members and CSUN students on the night of the 2016 Presidential Election, in the Santa Susana Room in the University Student Union.



January 21, 2015

President Barack Obama used the 2015 State of the Union address to acknowledge the nation’s ongoing economic improvements in the years following the 2008 recession, which defined the start to his presidency.

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